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Thread #58423   Message #1185583
Posted By: GUEST,TIA
14-May-04 - 08:21 AM
Thread Name: Peculiar Irony
Subject: RE: Peculiar Irony
I'm resurrecting this one (again). This irony is not just peculiar. It's shameful and disgusting. Hypocritical, hyperpolitical, inhuman. No, I'm not a Bush-Hater, but go ahead and call me a DeLay-Hater.

"I am outraged at the inhumane treatment of American POWs by Saddam Hussein's brutal regime," said Tom DeLay. "I am fighting to hold down a deep anger at these purveyors and practitioners of torture and terror who've been wickedly exhibiting their captives over the last few days. One thing is certain – this is an immoral regime.
[April 12, 2003]

"Democracies do not starve their citizens, nor torture their dissidents"
[Tom Delay, July 30, 2003]

"Ted Kennedy said there was 'no compelling reason for war.' There are 25 million Iraqis no longer threatened by torture chambers who might disagree."
[Tom Delay, January 14, 2004]

[May 12, 2004]
After viewing pictures of Iraqi prisoners undergoing torture by US Service personnel (including one of a man being sodomized with a broomstick and bleeding) House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, said he thought "some people are overreacting. The people who are against the war are using this to their political ends."