The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69657   Message #1185735
Posted By: Homeless
14-May-04 - 12:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Iraqis Beheading Americans
Subject: RE: BS: Iraqis Beheading Americans
I usually avoid threads like this, and after reading the first half of this one I remember why. I see a whole lot of specific *words* being slung around with what appears to me (and I may be wrong) little to no thought behind them.
What is a "terrorist"? Someone who fights for a cause? Someone who uses tactics other than the ones that your side uses? IOW, a guerrilla? Like the American Revolution's Minutemen?
"Subhuman", "fanatic", "perpetrator". It's really easy to justify eradicating someone who isn't as good as you, isn't it?
"Kidnap" So if I ever get arrested, I can charge the police with kidnapping?
"Innocent man". Hoo-boy, this is a good one. How many of you personally knew Berg? Do you have proof that he was just dumb and there on his own, rather than having any military or political connections? I'm not claiming this guy was a CIA spook, but I will say that the little bit of information we get thru the media is always watered down, filtered, and always slanted to get a reaction. And that is after it goes thru the government filters. Did his executioners have reason to believe he was a spy or merc?

None of this necessarily reflects my opinion, but is only meant to get everyone to think a little bit, and question themselves about how much they *know* vs how much is repeated propaganda.

I will state one opinion tho. My thoughts on the videotaping of the beheading. There have been lots of suggestions about the tape - it was barbaric, meant to stir up hostility, etc. I suggest that it was intended at a statement of strength of commitment. If I were in the position of defending my home, I would most definitely want the invaders to know that I was not playing a game and that I intended to be rid of them and damn the cost. I would hope that if they were to realize that they would have to genocide the 'natives', they would decide the gains were not worth the effort and leave.

I admit I've not seen the video or stills, but have heard that the process did not go smoothly, i.e. it was "barbaric". How many of you have ever started something only to find it didn't go as planned? Do you think these masked men do this on a regular basis, or was this possibly the first time? And they found it wasn't as easy as expected? If you think I'm wrong on this, I want you to try something. We've probably all heard of people breaking bottles to use as weapons, either for bar fights, prison riots or whatever. In the movies it's so easy - just grab it by the neck and smack it on any convenient table or head and get a nice pointed weapon. I propose you get a wine or beer bottle, take it outside and break it like they do in the movies. Let me know if anyone breaks it on the first try. Oh, I would strongly suggest you wear heavy gloves when doing this.