The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69093   Message #1185737
Posted By: GUEST,Ron Davies
14-May-04 - 12:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Supermarkets destroying Communities
Subject: RE: BS: Supermarkets destroying Communities
Sorry, everybody--our cat just posted to the thread.

First of all, "Martin", I will assume (though it may be a rash assumption), that despite your refusal to stand behind anything you ever say by giving your real name, and despite evidence on Mudcat of gigantic put-ons, that you really do exist; that utterances such as yours really can stem from the brain of a thinking individual. On the off-chance you do exist....

Your (sic) right. I am certainly impressed. You have so many strong points I can't count them all. Spelling and grammar are yet two more. I feel honored to share the same planet with you. Only your powers of logic are somewhat faulty (or perhaps nonexistent.) It's certainly too bad you can't afford an introductory subscription to the Wall St. Journal--sounds as if you could benefit if you could scrape the cash together. Of course the words sometimes are above two syllables--that might be a problem.

The Dry Branch Fire Squad has a great traditional bluegrass sound and a fantastic dry sense of humor. Ron Thomasson, lead singer (and an English teacher) once said in concert: "We believe in aggressive ignorance in bluegrass music" .   Mirabile dictu, (sorry Martin, that's Latin), there may be some people to whom that applies. I wonder if attitudes such as yours help explain why there seems to be friction between the bluegrass and old-timey communities--both being small minorities in music, you would think they would want to make common cause (how about that, I've made this a music thread).

Martin, I only hope you're as appreciated as I am in bluegrass and other circles. To ensure that you are, you might want to tone your approach down just a tad. Don't worry, I don't claim to be an expert guitarist--your fragile ego is safe with me. You may perhaps be unaware there are other instruments in bluegrass, and singing is even involved.

"Your (sic) right. I probably am a better guitarist, have a better job, a better family and home than you do" Or maybe not. Methinks he doth protest too much.

Re: psychoanalysis--Martin, psychoanalyzing you is no challenge, I asssure you. You might want to look in the mirror sometime.

Interestingly enough, you admit my point about fear. If you can't distinguish between fear and love, this says worlds about you ( and probably about other Bushites too). Suppliers may well appreciate Walmart's info on demographics etc. (though Walmart is hardly alone in providing this sort of detail--I daresay Costco does it too). This is hardly love. Martin, you'd best watch your terms and phrasing here--you're in the big leagues.

However, Martin, congratulations on keeping your usual gutter language out of your post. See, you can do it! (Hope you don't slip back into the gutter). Could this be a new trend?