The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68553   Message #1187454
Posted By: katlaughing
17-May-04 - 06:14 PM
Thread Name: Kat's book, 'WindWords of Wyoming" now an eBook
Subject: RE: NEW PRICE- Kat's book, 'WindWords of Wyoming
Here's the Wyoming newspaper article online: click here.

They spelled my name wrong in the headline (arrgghhh!) and got the web addy slightly wrong, plus I think the transfer to online missed a paragraph or two (I've emailed to ask), but it's still informative AND they did get the cover photo right! So, now you can see what that will look like, at least.:-)


AHhh...what is online is a "first draft" of the online version. The final version will be along, shortly. They are new to the internet, with their archives. Phew!