The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69827   Message #1187595
Posted By: Little Hawk
18-May-04 - 12:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: Is it me or is the Catbox gummed up?...
Subject: RE: BS: Is it me or is the Catbox gummed up?...
It's so danged slow that it's driving me nuts! I may consider taking my inane contributions elsewhere if this keeps up. Yes, that's a threat, not a promise. :-)

Bobert, I had this art teacher in junior high that was gorgeous. Ay-yi-yi! Miss Delavan. I had a lot of fantasies about her. Then she went and married some guy named Mr Pinkney! Can you imagine? What a terrible loss. I was devastated. I am still devastated. It's simply not right! You took away my dream, Pinkney, and I want it back!!!!!! ARGH!

Now I will hit "submit" and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait...for this darned post to actually get somewhere.