The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10739   Message #1187759
Posted By: MMario
18-May-04 - 01:12 PM
Thread Name: More Music Less BS!
Subject: RE: More Music Less BS!
of course if the people who constantly complain about not seeing any music threads of interest would:

a) START a music thread occasionally - maybe once a month? Nothing to interest you ? START A CONVERSATION ON SOMETHING MUSICAL THAT DOES!!!!!

b) CONTRIBUTE to music threads - rather then just read them - Gad - if nothing else - ask a question! Know someone who does an interesting variation on the song under discussion ? post the information on where people can find it...

c) learn to use the filters and search engines (they are easier then most web search engines to use)

d) possibly TEACH somebody something?

Post lyrics rather then give the reference to a 60 year out of print book 99.99% of the readers will never have access to! (Yes, Malcolm, I actually AGREE that tracking the references is important - but for most people who come looking for lyrics ANYTHING usable is better then NOTHING.)

Do people realize how many times the ONLY reference to a song that comes up in a web search originates here?

Or how about this? MINE the wealth available in the forum on a song or subject that interests you- index it and post the index!

Locate some of the missing tunes. you don't have to be able to transcribe it yourself - there are people who volunteer to do it.

Hell - I would start more music threads - but you know what? I don't KNOW enough to be able to even ask the right questions!!!!

I don't have access to a library's worth of reference books - (though I am trying to change that)

And don't discount the BS threads - I've learned a lot about various facets of music/musicians from casual comments throuwn off by a BS-er. Probably as much or more then I've learned from some of the "musical" threads that are so arcane or cryptic that beginners can't understand them.

Guest - you say :most of the truly knowledgeable people were fed up with the clubhouse and gossip atmosphere, and were already gone.

I think you are being unfair to a lot of the people who HAVE remained - as far as the depth of their knowledge (not me, but there are a lot of people here with enormous experience and knowledge)

I see primarily two types of fora on the web - there are those with very little traffic at all; and there are those that are more lively - though tending to be "off-topic". At least on those that are off topic there is usually someone to direct a questioner towards the information they seek.