The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69505   Message #1187790
Posted By: Chief Chaos
18-May-04 - 01:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Should Rumsfeld Resign?
Subject: RE: BS: Should Rumsfeld Resign?
I don't know if they're personally responsible for any procedures at this time. I hope it all comes out in the wash (for good or bad). The last thing we need to do with this is allow it to be hushed.

I think I might be personalizing this as well. The way he tap dances around questions and doesn't really answer bothers me. Of course that's not any different than any other administration but it seems that they're being a little too secretive (not regarding sensitive info - they're supposed to do that of course). And with all the claims that the red cross has made, and the report that the CIA pulled it's people out of the jail in October '93, It's really starting to look like the situation was being ignored at the top levels.

As has been said, regardless of why these people are there or what they have done, if you're the good guy, you have to act like the good guy.