The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69816   Message #1187976
Posted By: lady penelope
18-May-04 - 05:21 PM
Thread Name: May I Have This Dance?
Subject: RE: BS: May I Have This Dance?
My parents will be 44 years married this year and still regularly put 'trained' jivers to shame. My Father thinks any bloke that doesn't consider dancing ( as with a partner ) as part of their kit for dating, to be a fool. Even Parker has attempted it to win my favours.

For smooching my Mum loves waltzes, 'cos you can be as intimate or flambouyant as you want. My Dad loves a syncapated rythym, so anything from a two step upwards. I think what my parents really like is their dance partners. After so many years together, it's still such a kick to twirl onto the dance floor and let rip.

oooh I'm brimming........

TTFN Lady P.