The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14007   Message #118825
Posted By: JedMarum
29-Sep-99 - 10:07 AM
Thread Name: PC is NOT a dirty word!Proud to be PC!
Subject: RE: PC is NOT a dirty word!Proud to be PC!
Peter T. -

I think Internet story on porn exemplifies how free speech limits are imposed reasonably. Simple nude photos are not typically judged to be 'obscene' but most US legal standards. Photos of consenting adults performing legal, sexual activities, are likewise not often judged to be obscene, in US communities. But child pornography is explicitly illegal, in several enforceable ways. We have the ability, in the US to prosecute purveyors of such material. I hope you are wrong about it's being available to US Internet viewers, but if you aren't I hope that US law enforcement is going after these merchants and viewers.

I think someone put it best, in this thread when they said, analgous to free speech ... you have the right to swing your fist as widely and freely as you like, right up to the point that it strikes my face! Now where is the point that your swinging actually infringes on my right to be unmolested - is a question to be answered by responsible legislastion, and diligent law enforcement.