The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69850   Message #1188503
Posted By: GUEST,Raggytash
19-May-04 - 10:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Gordon Ramsay's kitchen nightmares, UK.
Subject: RE: BS: Gordon Ramsay's kitchen nightmares, UK.
Curse you, you sleuth, Yes 'tis I, personally Ted I was disgusted at the way he slagged people off, especially the "Executive Chef" who although he might have been slightly worse than unless did not deserve to be slated on national television by a foul mouthed yob. As I said earlier, the only contribution to the menu from this "master chef" was an American Flame Grilled Burger ......... Mine are legendary by the way ..... ask Last Nights Fun about the one's they bough off me at Saddleworth a few years back.

We've got wheelbarrows round Huddersfield that venue American Style flame grilled burgers