The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69850 Message #1188510
Posted By: GUEST,MMario
19-May-04 - 11:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Gordon Ramsay's kitchen nightmares, UK.
Subject: RE: BS: Gordon Ramsay's kitchen nightmares, UK.
I find most "cooking" shows to ridiculous - they tend to use either ingredients that are unavailable to most; too expensive for most - or the "hosts" are obnoxious and ill-informed (exception - "Good Eats - he is obnoxious and well-informed. his writers should be shot though)
Restauraunt review shows seem to think EVERYONE is on expense accounts - even the "beduget" ones tend to feature places where the average meal cost approximately my discretionary income for a week.
Like the lobster omelet someone mentioned yesterday - Why 10 oz of caviar in an omelet? 10 oz. of caviar is more then most people would serve for an entire Buffet/reception!