The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69850   Message #1188520
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
19-May-04 - 11:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Gordon Ramsay's kitchen nightmares, UK.
Subject: RE: BS: Gordon Ramsay's kitchen nightmares, UK.
I know that the Frugal Gourmet (Jeff Smith) went down in flames a few years back (in issues unrelated to cooking), but he always gave good clear instructions and used available ingredients. I still make several dishes that I learned from his programs. Graham Kerr (the Galloping Gourmet) was pretty good, also, especially his one-pot dishes. Some of his substitutions for calorie-counters were a little odd, but it was always interesting. Martin Yan (Yan Can Cook) provided good information about selecting ingredients I found particularly helpful. (He taught me how to choose a good canteloupe every time--and it works!)