The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69657   Message #1189756
Posted By: Big Mick
20-May-04 - 12:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Iraqis Beheading Americans
Subject: RE: BS: Iraqis Beheading Americans
Martin Gibson, you seem to think that you can make up for your inability to carry on with intellectual depth by using foul words and covering your weaknesses by using the Holocaust as cover. Pretty despicable. I accept that the Holocaust, arguably, was the single greatest atrocity ever committed in the history of mankind. Even if one doesn't accept that, it is hard to not include it in the top two or three. Done, I agree. But using it as an excuse to not discuss the current problems with the Israelis and Palestinians is just begging for the current problem to continue. I support the rights of the Israelis to have their homeland. I support the same right for the Palestinians. It is fair, when looking at the tactics being used by Israel, to draw parallels to other times. It is also fair to point out that the use of children as suicide bombers is a terrible tactic. I don't know how this seems to you, but the people of Israel, like the folks in the North of Ireland, seem to be speaking very loudly. And they want attitudes like yours to disappear. Using the Holocaust to justify horrific actions seems like the ultimate sin to me.

dianavan, I appreciate many of your posts. But I do agree that you seem to take every opportunity to criticize the US, and never hold your adopted homeland, or any other country, to the same standard.   The examples abound.
