The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46639   Message #1190497
Posted By: GUEST,Sean Gaston
21-May-04 - 02:47 AM
Thread Name: how is Nic Jones
Subject: RE: how is Nic Jones
Nic's doing fine, and even "battling a guitar" as his wife put it. If anyone's interested in the well-being of Nic Jones and possibly to buy an album or two from him, they should go to, as this is his homepage. There, you'll see some pictures of Nic, before, during and after the heyday. There's even a fairly recent one of him playing his guitar at home (so you know he still does it). He's not doing many more alternate tunings though, like he used to, or even the same stuff as he did before. Afterall, his records should show that he's really a man of change anyway, live ones included. There's nothing from any of his records on Resurrected.

However, Nic Jones and the members of Halliard would best like to forget about their record, "The Irish In Me", for reasons that are probably related to them sounding more like the Dubliners than the Halliard. However, that was their only hit album.