The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46639 Message #1190828
Posted By: GUEST,Art Thieme
21-May-04 - 12:12 PM
Thread Name: how is Nic Jones
Subject: RE: how is Nic Jones
Loose some weight! (i.e. Lighten up! I had an uncle who had a wooden leg -- from the knee up. (My aunt died of teminal slivers.)
Uncle had to learn to have a sense of humor. ---- When I finally got diagnosed (MS)I was rather devastated but I finally knew why I couldn't walk or play my instruments. In a real way, knowing was liberating. I soon realized that: If you don't have a sense of humor, it isn't funny. When I put out a new CD in '98, I named it: The Older I Get, The Better I Was. I enjoy tasteless humor when, as Nik did, it performs the good service of helping the one who is maimed or disabled or "existence challenged" to better get a handle on their all to real situation.