The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69985   Message #1191447
Posted By: Rasener
22-May-04 - 08:52 AM
Thread Name: Review: Market Rasen Folk Club 21st May Review.
Subject: RE: Review: Market Rasen Folk Club 21st May Review.
Many thanks for all your comments. I appreciate them very much.

Obviously it would be very wrong of me to make any comments publicly about any of the artists playing at my club. One thing I can't do is please everybody all of the time, but hopefully I can please most people most of the time.

I assure you that I keep in close contact with all the artists and if necessary work with them to develop their acts. There is a lot of hard work in the background to ensure that I deliver to you a night of excellent music.

As far as Mike and Jackie are concerned, I am working very closely with them, and am not aware of cutting them off last night. They did the amount of numbers they were expected to do. I plan to give them 45 minute spot in October. They are currently developing their act and they will get more air play as time moves on. Mike has difficulties giving me dates ahead, so I just have to wait an see what is possible.

Jane is working on building her act up again. Just give her time.

Lucy and Paul have already hit higher levels.

DACAPO were very good and local. I hope to be able to get them on a bit more in the future. With so many of them that is not easy to do :-).

What can I say about CARA, Stitherum and John Blanks. They are the backbone of the club and are true professionals. They fit into my time plans according to who is on on the night. Great people to be working with.

I am very proud of the artists who are playing at the club, who are all different in there own way.

Everything is looking very healthy for the future. If you know of any artist worthy of playing at the club, please let me know. Remember though it will be at my discretion.

I have a number of artists that I am currently trying to get to the club so watch this space.

Now that I am doing fortnightly events, I will be able to handle all the many artists who want to play, and hopefully give them more time depending on their level.

Just to bring you up to date with current developments:-

June 4th Bill Whaley and Dave Fletcher from Boston (90 minutes)
CARA 45 mins, Lucy and Paul 45 mins
£3.50 in advance £4.50 on night

June 18th Stitherum 45 mins
Support Artists so far - John Blanks, CARA,

July 2nd Dave & Julie Evardson 45 mins
Support Artists so far - Parcel of Rogues, Stitherum, John Blanks

July 16th Colin and Karen Thompson (Guest Spot)
Support artists so far-

July 30th John Blanks 45 mins
Support Artists so far –Rosie & Lucy Coggle, DACAPO, Roger Beard,

Aug 13th Lucy Wright and Paul Young 45 mins
Support artists so far – John Blanks

Aug 27th Pre booked Guest Spot and support artists floor spots still available

Sept 24th Mick Pearce 45 mins
Support artists so far – Stitherum, John Blanks, Duncan McFarlane (30 mins) , Rhiannon

Oct 8th Roger Beard 45 mins
support artists floor spots still available

Oct 22nd Mike and Jackie 45 mins - still to be officially confrimed
support artists floor spots still available

Nov 5th Pre CARA (Main Guest 90 mins)
support artists floor spots still available
£3.50 in advance £4.50 on night

Nov 19th George Papavgeris (Main Guest 90 mins)
Support Artists:- Roger Beard, John Blank's, Mick Pearce, Stitherum
£3.50 in advance £4.50 on night

Dec 3rd John Conolly (Main Guest 90 mins)
Support Artists:- CARA, Lucy Wright and Paul Young, Dave and Julie Evardson, £3.50 in advance £4.50 on night

Many thanks
Les Worrall