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Thread #69657   Message #1191816
Posted By: GUEST,
22-May-04 - 10:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Iraqis Beheading Americans
Subject: RE: BS: Iraqis Beheading Americans
Just a few comments on the war. I am in special operations and just returned from Iraq. What is the United States citizens thinking when they say they don't support the war. In reality they just have to support the men and women. 90% of the armed forces joined not thinking about going to war but to make a better life for themselves and to get a better education. Most are 18-22 year old kids scared for their lives over there. If you remember they flew planes into the TWIN TOWERS, we didn't. Before I joined I somewhat felt the same way but after seeing how the women and children have to live that was it. Every Iraqi terrorist we encountered had a 12-13 year old wife when he himself is in his 30's. You could see the childhood that was taken from them in their eyes. I read an article earlier and some American was apologizing for the United States actions of this war. What about the news reporters, Iraqi's are beheading, raping, shooting, burning, hanging, beating, and draging Americans as we speak. For someone to say they were wrong for being there, or the news to say we are wrong for the recent things that we have did to them is a punishible crime in itself. During the vietnam war special forces did so well because of psycological warfare. The SEALS found out that Vietnamese thought their souls would not rest if all of the body parts weren't intact. The SEALS would take bits out of their livers and other body parts and that is how they became to be known as the most terrified force and named The Green Faced Devil's. Now because of the news and bleeding heart Americans we can't deprive them of any of their senses I.E hoods, blind folds or tape, food deprevation or sleep. If americans would support us and let us convert to psychological warfare again then all of the terrorist acts would cease, less American lives lost and the war would be over. The Iraqi terrorists favorite words were I know my rights! If that is so then why are we being killed when they are getting food 3 times a day and a living quarters better than some of military personnel live in. Did you know the Army troops at one point had to survive on one MRE a day and give 2 of theirs away so the Iraqi detainees could have 3? We take some pictures and they behead a person. Does that sound right? Do we go and grab an Iraqi in the States and cut off his head for their actions? They are doing all of this because they know if they get caught they will live better than they do know. If we could go over there and do the same things as they do the war would be over. Americans think the military is killing our troops but in reality it is American citizens and their bleeding hearts. War isn't pretty and everyone that is not or has not served in the armed forces should feel really lucky. If we didn't have people willing to go do this they there would be a draft and you don't get to choose if you want to go or not. It is hard to see the other side of things if you have never served but talk to people that have and have been over there to learn. No matter how you think you are getting screwed by our government or how much it sucks, believe me it could be alot worse. We are the land of the free. Iraqi people hate us because of our freedom. They want a communist country where the men control it. To the men that think we are wrong I hope you can feel the pain of the little girl who has had here hopes, virginity, dreams and life taken away from her which could be your daughter. To the women, picture a life where you were forced to marry an uncle or brother at 13, your virginity taken away. I know there isn't a women in the world that doesn't like to snuggle with their husbands at night. Imagine sleeping in a room with 10 women and 20 children while your husband sleeps in the other end of the house with 10 men. Imagine your daughter being taken away at 12 or 13 for marriage. This is alittle sample of reality that goes on there. Finally to the NEWS REPORTERS and the PEOPLE that never support us and pray for forgivness to Iraqi terrorists for us going over there freeing them, for pay back for 9\11, and every other terrorist attack they have performed on any country. May God give the United States the brains and balls to take away your citizenships and send you over to the Middle East for a taste of reality. If there is anyone interested in more information you can contact me at I don't want to change your view but hope to open your eyes alittle. Also don't talk about things you don't know about. If this country is so wrong what are you doing living here? Get out and make the world a better place.

Thank You for you time.