The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69998   Message #1191877
Posted By: Strollin' Johnny
23-May-04 - 03:21 AM
Thread Name: Manchester United 3
Subject: RE: Manchester United 3
Hey Blackcatter - what would an American (I assume you are one of those) know about interesting sports? Any game requiring of its participants and spectators the possession of more than one brain-cell is totally beyond their comprehension. That's why you play Baseball instead of Cricket - Crickets too difficult and complicated for you guys to understand. Incidentally, baseball's a game played by wee lassies here, they call it 'Rounders' and play with a smaller bat, but it's the same game and no self-respecting male over the age of seven would be seen dead playing it, it's for sissies.

And have you never wondered why the 'World Series' ('World' indeed! Ha-ha-ha-haaaaaaaa!!) has no teams in it other than ones from the US? It's not because you have the best teams, it's because it's so stultifyingly boring no one else is interested enough to enter! Duh!