The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69449   Message #1193740
Posted By: GUEST,Scutwerker
25-May-04 - 11:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: NEED HELP--Vote for Millard Fillmore
Subject: RE: BS: NEED HELP--Vote for Millard Fillmore
Fillmore had nothing to do with the Dred Scott decision. The Supreme court is independent of the President. The only way a President influences the Surpeme court is their role in nominating judges to fill vacancies. The Dred Scott decision interpreted the Constitution to allow an act like the Fugitive Slave law to be enacted.

Yes, Millard Fillmore carved a political career out of the petty fears and predjudices of his time. his first association was with the Anti-Masonic party, and his only run for the White House was with the American/Know Nothing party, who were pretty much against immigrants and Catholics.

In the light of today's attitudes about race, gender and ethnicity, few eighteenth or nineteenth century men stand up to close scrutiny. Even Mr Lincoln was a believer in the white supemist theories of his day. He just ddn't believe that theory supported the institutution of slavery.

James K. Polk was the hand-picked protege of Andrew Jackson to recapture the White House from the Whigs. Those Whigs had used Jackson's "log cabin" and "hard cider" approach to toss out Martin Van Buren, Jackson's previous protege, in favor of the ill-fated William Henry Harrison.

Polk used jingoistic expansionism concepts like, "Manifest Destiny" and "Fifty-four Forty or Fight" as the slogans to sweep himself into the White House. Britain compromised with Polk's territorial demands and we got Oregon.

Mexico did not capitulate, so we declared war on Mexico and took Texas and California as our prize. The Mexican war was not nation building. It was a land grab, which happened to make Texas safe for slaveowners.

Mexico had already prohibited slavery.

As our standards continue to change, many of our heroes lose their luster. We can choose to honor our past, or live in growing shame of our common heritage.

God bless Millard Fillmore, his friends, and his foes. They, like us were men of their times.

Some future standard will find us all lacking.