The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28582   Message #1193845
Posted By: RichardP
25-May-04 - 01:55 PM
Thread Name: HELP with UK Music Licencing problem?
Subject: RE: HELP with UK Music Licencing problem?

You will know better than I that no normal person is immune from prosecution for almost anything. However, in the two cases you site I am sure that you would expect to go to court with an incredibly strong defence case unless and until some judge upsets the applecart.

I think that you are right that there are some circumstances where an organiser in a private event could ned a licence, however I am pretty sure that the case which started this thread is not such a case.

There is a risk of tunring this thread into a parallel general thread on licencing rather than concentrating on the particular case which initiated it. Such a generalisation will benefit noone.
