The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70131 Message #1195160
Posted By: Hand-Pulled Boy
27-May-04 - 12:43 PM
Thread Name: harriWattsband on da radio
Subject: RE: harriWattsband on da radio
Apparently Vixen 87 can only transmit to a 15 mile radius (a lot of kilometers) although with the wind in the right direction it has been heard in Bradford. You can get a good curry there as well jOhn (bit of a link there). So get on your bike and head west. As for premier radio stations like radio Humberside we are officially in Yorkshire so they don't exist. I've been trying to contact Kenny Everett and getting no answer. Maybe he's on a long holiday or summat. Shame 'cos he used to wear red knickers as well. Now there was some raw talent.