The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70201   Message #1196425
Posted By: beardedbruce
28-May-04 - 11:06 PM
Thread Name: What's up with Korea?
Subject: RE: What's up with Korea?

With the UN showing that it is ineffectual in enforcing it's own resolutions, the TEMPORAY cease fire ( since 1954) between N & S Korea may be broken at any time. Since the US is mired in Iraq, and , thanks to earlier administrations, does not have the capability to fight two wars, we will be forced to either accept the overrun of S. Korea, or use WMD. I only hope that the N. Koreans use them first, or the entire world will scream about the unprovoked US attack- though the N. Koreans started the wole thing in 1951...