The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70201   Message #1196536
Posted By: Strick
29-May-04 - 12:42 PM
Thread Name: What's up with Korea?
Subject: RE: What's up with Korea?
All this contradicts what I've heard. I understand that US troops are being moved further from the border. Our 37,000 troops aren't much threat to the million man North Korean army, however bad off they are.

A "friend" highly critical of the Administration claims this is in effect abandoning our responsibilities to Korea since it, in his opinion, leaves Seoul defenseless against thousands of pieces of North Korean artillery. (He'll never learn as the French did in WW II, you're better off positioning yourself away from a line to be able to respond to an attack on a it than sitting on it.) Besides, if the US were seriously going to invade North Korea, they wouldn't do it through the heavily mined demilitarized zone. You'd see a major build up with lots of naval activity including a couple of carrier task forces preparing for a landing north of the line, not minor army movements.

Perhaps part of the problem is that the US is continuing to reposition all of its forces after the end of the Cold War. Clinton did part of the job when the military was restructured during his administration, but he left us with bases that were designed for a much larger military dealing with a threat that doesn't really exist any more. North Korea really isn't up to an invasion of the much richer if less militarized South and the US troops there are basically tokens of another age.