The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70201   Message #1196848
Posted By: beardedbruce
29-May-04 - 09:15 PM
Thread Name: What's up with Korea?
Subject: RE: What's up with Korea?
The army possesses component units including 11 corps, 49 divisions, and 19 brigades, some 560,000 troops, some 2,360 tanks, 5,180 pieces of field artillery, and 2,400 armored vehicles.

North Korea
North Korea continues to position forces into the area just north of the DMZ— in a position to threaten Combined Forces Command and all of Seoul with little warning. Seventy percent of their active force, including approximately 700,000 troops, over 8,000 artillery systems, and 2,000 tanks, is postured within 90 miles of the Demilitarized Zone. This percentage continues to rise despite the June 2000 summit. Most of this force in the forward area is protected in over 4,000 underground facilities, out of over 11,000 nationwide. From their current locations, these forces can attack with minimal preparations or warning. The protracted southward deployment follows a tactic of "creeping normalcy"—a significant movement over a period of many years that would attract too much international attention if accomplished over weeks or months.

Nearly as large? How about half the number?