The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70118   Message #1197232
Posted By: Sorcha
30-May-04 - 03:52 PM
Thread Name: Sorch is Home!
Subject: RE: Sorch is Home!
Black Lion session
        Wow, what a great time! Seeing as how Micca got me all drunked up the night before and I missed Khatt's great dinner, I took the opportunity to do it again! Loads of people came down, even Bassic from Hull! Great time, you all should go there.

Tower, Tower Bridge
Buck House
Westminister Abbey
Mall, Trafalgar Square, City Gates
St. James Park
        Khatt and I did the walking tour of central London, didn't pay to get into any of these places. I think we walked about 10 miles….at least! Thank goodness we did this AFTER the trip to the West Country or I would have died. Tintagel is a good place to break in a tourist. I've seen this stuff now and can't think of a reason to visit London again, except to see Catters. Khatt's knee held up quite well.
Museum of Childhood—fun fun place! Toys and amusements from the Ages
Museum of Interiors—really nifty place. Rooms from lots of Periods as they
        Have looked when lived in
Sharpe House, Tom Paley!!
        Great session. I didn't have Maggie as I didn't want to carry her all over London on the walking tour, but I got to borrow a fiddle and play a few tunes. Met, chatted and played with Tom Paley. Somewhere there is a pic of me with him. Real film not developed yet.
British Museum, (Egypt, Pre Roman Britain, Greece)
        YOU ALL SHOULD GO HERE!! Plan at least 2 days if you are a serious Museum-er. Perhaps not consecutive days because of Museum Glaze. This place is amazing. Sort of the Smithsonian of England. I got to see the Snettisham Treasure and the Sutton Hoo Hoard, plus loads of stuff from ancient Egypt.
Cutty Sark (after dark) Dave Bryant took me to see this. Can't remember if I tried a pic or not. If I did it's on film. Not digie.
Stay tuned for the Summer Country. I know I have left things off, but I forget……