The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69449   Message #1197339
Posted By: Little Hawk
30-May-04 - 06:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: NEED HELP--Vote for Millard Fillmore
Subject: RE: BS: NEED HELP--Vote for Millard Fillmore
Exactly. That is the political method. They also tell them really negative stuff about the opposing candidates, and they usually promise to lower your taxes or at least not raise them. Ha! How can a society that is overloading the natural environment and enlarging its greedy grasp on reality with every fiscal year and growing LARGER all the time POSSIBLY cut taxes?

Answer: It can't. One way or another the cost of such a society keeps going up. I refuse to vote for anyone who promises to cut my taxes, because I know a blatant lie when I hear it. They'll cut in one place, raise in another. They'll privatize public services, and those services will go to the private sector which will then do a worse job and charge you more for it. Lots more! After all, they want to make a profit, don't they? Duh. Where is their profit going to come from? From you, sucker!

The way to get ahead in life financially is to cut your own frivolous personal spending...but that would require a little restraint and maturity, wouldn't it? Naw...people would rather vote for some liar who says he's going to lower their taxes than be realistic themselves and lower their own spending.

A vote for Fillard Millmore will do nothing to alter any of the above, but it will certainly confuse the toy company... :-)