The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70118   Message #1197456
Posted By: Sorcha
30-May-04 - 10:59 PM
Thread Name: Sorch is Home!
Subject: RE: Sorch is Home!
Hastings—Giant's Parade and pubs!, English Channel
        This was so much fun. We slept in a large Scout Hut in Hastings. Stone floor with functional kitchen but Liz was the only one able to bring cooking gear. She was generous in that she shared orange juice, coffee, tea, etc. I think there were about 20 of us in the hut. No showers but we survived. Micca and Paul put the final finishing touches on the Morrigan's Ravens with the help of Raven Hazel. Beltaine Day was a tad cool for spectators but just right for the marchers, esp. the Giant Carriers. Windy though. Wind was not too bad in the 'town canyons' but when we started up the last bit to Hastings Castle it was really bad. I had been fortunate enough to be allowed to lead the Morrigan just after the Standard Bearer but at this last bit I was relegated to the rear so that if she fell Maggie and I wouldn't get smashed. Khatt and I both managed to walk all the way up. They forgot to tell me about crossing the swinging bridge….but I did it. If I NEVER play 'When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again' it will be too soon. That was the only tune we could come up with that even sort of fit the drum beat they had been rehearsing. After arriving at the Castle we all had a 'few' beers but then the weather worsened. Wind got really awful and it started to rain/snow. Most of the Giants were broken down and the Raven Crew at least left the Castle. I don't know what happened with the ceremonial killing of the Jack. Back to Hastings Town to drink some more at the Stag pub. Begorra, these Ravens are great. Kendall and Jacqui were at the pub too. I tried to go to sleep (pass out) in the Stag…I was just trying to wait for everyone else to decide to go back to the Scout Hut as I was not sure of the way. Khatt pushed me and said…Sorch, you can't sleep here…go back to the Hut….so I did manage with some staggering involved but I didn't get lost. The walk from the Scout Hut to the train station back to London was miserable. Pissing down rain, wind from Hell. Micca was in front of me and at one point when I came around a corner the wind blew me back about 4'. I could just barely see Micca and was hoping I didn't lose sight of him as I didn't know the way to the station. By the time we got to the station, we were both drenched. My 2nd time being wet. Brolly would have been useless because of the wind. At least I had Micca's hat to keep some of it off my glasses. Raven Dave and I did Hastings Pier and at some point in London the Raven Crew had a Fun Moot (eat and drink Gather) across the road from Epping Forest and I got to see Elizabeth I hunting lodge. Next installment, passed off to Dave Bryant and Essex Girl for a day or two. No, I wasn't given an opportunity to fall in the Channel. I just might have tried. Next trip to Chester.

(Hi Malcom!) Ghastly details coming in spurts.