The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70200   Message #1197777
Posted By: beardedbruce
31-May-04 - 03:30 PM
Thread Name: God wants armed nudists
Subject: RE: God wants armed nudests
"Oppose laws"

Which tells me that the Church has no business being involved in ant earthly kingdoms... I am afraid they have been overstepping their bounds for the last 2000 years...

"You just need to read some of the other parts to see that's not entirely true. "

What right has any religion to oppose (or encourage) laws that apply to non-members of their faith? Is it moral to apply my set of standards, from my religion, to the laws that are for all citizens? They have the right to do whatever they like to their own members- that is what being a member of a religious group means. BUT, they have no right to push laws that limit the freedoms of people not of their faith.

And yes, I object to the (defacto) laws forbidding the use of cars in some places in Israel during the Sabbeth.

If I am a member of a group that believes that all members should tithe, do I have the right to demand that non-mambers tithe, and work for laws to enforce that? If you think so, start sending me money.

(As an ordained minister, I will even let you write it off as a tax deducttion- though the government might not. But then, I have a Higher Authority...)