The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70200   Message #1197803
Posted By: Amos
31-May-04 - 03:52 PM
Thread Name: God wants armed nudists
Subject: RE: God wants armed nudests
If I were a member of the church shown in BB's link I would come to too conclusions very rapidly.

One is that some people want to control, and have no interest in religious issues, but are purely involved in politicizing the group for personal gain.

The other is that anyone who would kowtow to that kind of authoritarian dictatorial Grundyism lacks the spine to stand up for their own freedoms, or mine, and I didn't need them in my life.

I would then abandon such a group post-haste and find a better way to pursue my religious interests than dancing with a bunch of control-freaks.

The Bible has nothing to do with it. It is riddled with contradictions requiring subtle and flexible justifications as interpretations, or requiring outright rejection. It is a hodgepodge of viewpoints. The very thought that it could be dictated by a single, higher, spiritual viewpoint is close to ridiculous, sorry. It is much too internally inconsistent to be the product of a single Consciousness, no matter how grandiose.