The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70118   Message #1198701
Posted By: Sorcha
02-Jun-04 - 02:33 PM
Thread Name: Sorch is Home!
Subject: RE: Sorch is Home!
Nice rest. Slept in the caravan in the drive. Did some laundry in the coin op place down the road. Linda had the only electric clothes dryer I saw in 6 weeks. It's a bummer hauling wet clothes 4 blocks but better than paying to dry it. Now for the fun part. I get to get meself all alone from their place to the train station, then tube, then train again north to Chester. I did OK except for taking one wrong turn in the tube station and missing a train. North. Thank the gods that there is a train every few minutes. I am sure the Station Masters and Attendants were all sick of me asking questions. Because of taking a wrong turn in the tube and a heavy suitcase/no moving stairs, I missed the early train to Chester. With the kind help of a stranger I managed to call Emma B's husband (her mobile was not working and the pay phone in the station would not ring her home phone) to let her know I was just an hour late and NOT on the train to Manchester. Then, Emma and I did…
City Walls, Roman amphitheatre, just another WOW here…we walked the old city walls all around. Some parts twice because of detours for a half pint. Chester is a very lovely, out of the way Not Tourist Place. Just the kind of place I wanted to see. Possibly my favorite 'city' of the Tour.
Chester Cathedral—Well, kind of sort of. We looked in and said we would come back but ran out of time. I did see the outside and a bit of the inside but w/o the tour.

Chester Town Crier has a long uninterrupted history of crying the news. Now, it is a Tourist Thing and the Crier is basically a 'player'. He does cry the local news but also asks questions for the Tourists. Emma answered one correctly, got a post card and a Hand Kiss from him. Next question, Emma clued me in so that I got the post card and Hand Kiss. Then she said we have to leave…'We know too much….' What is this 'We' stuff? LOL