The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70200   Message #1198745
Posted By: Little Hawk
02-Jun-04 - 03:49 PM
Thread Name: God wants armed nudists
Subject: RE: God wants armed nudests
Well, BB, it goes this way: Prophets are generally ignored or not believed by the vast majority of people in their own time...BUT...they are recognized and believed by a few people. This is the usual rule. Then those few succeed over time in getting other people interested in the prophet's teachings and they gradually build a strong following.

So whether people believe you or don't believe you doesn't prove a darned thing one way or another!!!! Life's tough, ain't it? :-)

Now there have been some prophets, too, who were tremendously successful in their own time and WERE believed by a lot of people. Mohammed, for instance.

So any blanket statement about the matter is going to be wrong part of the time.

As for the U.N., what do I give a fig what they said about Iraq? They've passed rulings against Israel that were not responded to a number of times, and the USA has not yet invaded Israel to "enforce the will of the U.N." Ha! I laugh. The USA was enforcing its own will, not that of the U.N.

The U.N. is a virtually toothless and often craven political entity, not an instrument of world justice. Like all political entities it is subject to lobbying of various sorts by its major financial backers, depending on the situation. It is controlled by the security council, which is controlled by a few major does not effectively represent the nations of the World in an equal manner, although it pretends to. It does give them a place to talk, though, which is better than nothing.

Iraq's status as a regional military threat ended in 1991. They never had a status as more than a regional military threat, and were certainly no threat to the USA at any time whatsoever.