The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70201   Message #1198757
Posted By: GUEST,Blackcatter
02-Jun-04 - 04:13 PM
Thread Name: What's up with Korea?
Subject: RE: What's up with Korea?
China has been preparing to attack Taiwan since 1949.

They know they won't get away with it, so they won't.

The chinese leadership knows that the best way for them to continues getting more and more personal ealth is to keep allowing foreing companies into the nation to sell things. South Korea, Japan and the U.S. are three of their largest trading partners. It'd be silly for them to jepordize that.

The reason that thinks like that can and do go on in the mid-east is because they don't need particualar countries to work with. Any number of countries (and private companies) will buy their oil. With that cash they can do whatever they want. That's part of the reason Egypt and Turkey have been better behaved than the others - the U.S. pays them off.