The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70304   Message #1199398
Posted By: Strollin' Johnny
03-Jun-04 - 12:38 PM
Thread Name: Missionary work in 'ull
Subject: RE: Missionary work in 'ull
Yep, you're so right jOhn! Is the aminal rights woman the one who calls herself 'Kitten'? Miserable sod with a bloody silly name. I think I'll start calling myself 'Ardvark'. (LOL)

I noticed the hare dresser was from Ull - I think he's a good reason to stay on our side o' th'umber! :-) Until next month anyway!

My granny used to dress hares in a stew-pan, and very nice they tasted too, but a bit tougher than a rabbit.

Sad about tonight - maybe next month?

Johnny :0)