The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70304 Message #1199410
Posted By: GUEST,jOhnfrom Hull
03-Jun-04 - 12:53 PM
Thread Name: Missionary work in 'ull
Subject: RE: Missionary work in 'ull
Yes, Kitten, I haven't really watched the show, but that kitten one seems very odd, [didn't she used to be a bloke?], apparently her dad is a Chief executive at Hull City Council.
That Daniel [the hare dresser] is the bookies favourite to win, cuurent odds are 5/1, i won't be betting though, as i'm skint, and I don't really understand the show, and never bet on things that i don't know anything about.
Your'e welcome to Hull Folk Club anytime, sorry theres not been much response here, but some people are working late, and others have spent up over the bank holiday this week.
anyway=i thought of a name for it= The First Thursday Folk Club, waht you think?