The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70304   Message #1199605
Posted By: Strollin' Johnny
03-Jun-04 - 04:26 PM
Thread Name: Missionary work in 'ull
Subject: RE: Missionary work in 'ull
No Tracey, it's neither thrilling nor educational and you're not missing anything, as I said earlier I was tring to be ironic! :0) It's a contrived, staged pile o'pants IMOH.

However, Bill 'n' Dave at Market Rasen Folk Club tomorrow will be thrilling and educational, and they'll be more than ably supported by Cara (a fine 3-piece band worth at least £57 a performance) and Lucy Wright & Paul Smith (excellent up-and-coming young duo from Gainsborough). Pack yer saddlebags, get on yer bike and come see them (and bring yer mates too!).

Johnny :0)