The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14153   Message #120010
Posted By: catspaw49
01-Oct-99 - 11:55 PM
Thread Name: Okies at Mudcat
Subject: RE: Okies at Mudcat
I dunno WW...maybe a BM would be OK...unless the OK comes out in the BM....uh, so to speak.

Hey TIOAKAOKIE....Let's just say T....Hi T.............I dunno what or where you focked up, but I know you ain't me...but you must have cranked out some simpleass tripe of some sort!!! I think if you keep on top of it and check to be sure your posts sound like your IQ is higher than a mango, which mine never do, you'll be an Okey Dokey Okie, with or without the Druids. (Ask WW)
