The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70328   Message #1201329
Posted By: Hawker
06-Jun-04 - 11:28 AM
Thread Name: Cornwall Songwriters unashamed plug!
Subject: RE: Cornwall Songwriters unashamed plug!
Phew! well the first show went very well, we all managed to make a mistake, but nobody noticed (i think!!) There were a few tears in the audience and I hope that was from emotion and not the noise we made! There were a few catters there, Cllr and Champagne Carol for starters, perhaps if you saw it this weekend, you would like to review it for us here?
What was particularly wonderful for me was meeting the present gardeners who loved the show and felt it was well researched. and one of theor mothers who wept as she told me that her father would have loved it as he played in the gardens as a child!
I am looking forward to tonights show now, rather than being incredibly nervous!
Cheers, Lucy