The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70201   Message #1201398
Posted By: dianavan
06-Jun-04 - 01:54 PM
Thread Name: What's up with Korea?
Subject: RE: What's up with Korea?
From the Korean Herald:
The "anti-American" Koreans were basically right about the war in Iraq. It has been an
                   unmitigated disaster. Even if the United States can somehow temporarily stabilize the situation
                   before the U.S. election in November, the original reasons given for the war have proven to be
                   false. The toll of human suffering that has ensued cannot be justified, not even by the ouster of
                   the brutal regime of Saddam Hussein. And, most important, in the long run many times more
                   angry Islamic terrorists have been created by the U.S. occupation of an Arab nation than have
                   been rooted out by the intervention.

I also understand that S. Korea is now witholding their troops from Iraq. Friction (or a split) with the U.S. is just what N. Korea is hoping for. Apparently, North and South are hoping for re-unification, wishing the U.S. would stop meddling. The U.S., of course, wants to maintain their strategic presence in the area.

Peace talks are coming up. It should be interesting.