The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70434   Message #1201801
Posted By: InOBU
07-Jun-04 - 06:20 AM
Thread Name: Review: Mmario's fine CD
Subject: Review: Mmario's fine CD
At the gathering for Rick's memorial, Mmario gave me his CD... really fine job, boyo! I'll write more about later today, have to run off to thearpy on the old hand... (played the pipes this morning... healing coming along!) But, it is a fine CD in the mudcat tradition of fine CDs... one quick observation Rick Fielding passed on to me... Do put the times on both the CD cover and on the disk - it makes it easier for DJs who will play it... ALSO put YOUR NAME! on the CD disk and cover, also a niciety for DJs!
But a really fine job with really good tunes.