The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70328   Message #1201870
Posted By: GUEST,Cats at Work
07-Jun-04 - 07:58 AM
Thread Name: Cornwall Songwriters unashamed plug!
Subject: RE: Cornwall Songwriters unashamed plug!
Thanks for your kind words. Yes Hawker, there were some very strange things going on and the gardeners of the old world did approve as well as the new generation. The Saturday birthday picnic in the gardens was wonderful and we raised a glass to 'those in the blue uniform who had to be on the sea. There were more than a few tears and it wasn't the singing!!!! At one point there was a definite mexican sniffle. Make sure you bring your hankies with you!!

You can catch the show at Bodmin Shire Hall, Golowan Festival Penzance, South Brent Village hall and anywhere else that would like it.