The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70397   Message #1202337
Posted By: GUEST
07-Jun-04 - 06:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ronald Reagan - Sadly Missed
Subject: RE: BS: Ronald Reagan - Sadly Missed
According to ABC Nightly News, Reagan was no more popular than Clinton. Both averaged around 57% approval ratings while president.

World leaders are calling him a great president because that is what they say when a foreign leader dies. It neither represents their or their people's true feelings. Reagan was a very unpopular leader on the world stage.

Because cable news and talk radio runs 24/7 shit about Reagan claiming he was a great president also doesn't mean much. They are hyping the hell out of the story beyond all reasonable proportion, because it boosts their ratings for awhile.

I also find the suggestion that everyone should say nice things about Reagan because he died bullshit. Phoniness isn't becoming, regardless of the circumstances. This man was VERY old, lived a privleged life at the expense of millions he helped impoverish. We should dance on his grave.