The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70337   Message #1202427
Posted By: Two_bears
07-Jun-04 - 11:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Rush Limbaugh is aired to US troops
Subject: RE: BS: Rush Limbaugh is aired to US troops
Two-bears, you may be a self-styled healer but you wouldn't catch me attending you. Quote: I've seen your aura and it's ugly...

You have decided that based on a kneejerk reaction; and you are entitled to it.

You know NOTHING about me, my aura, or the healing ability given to me.

I will take first hand experiences;

"You exude love" Jacqi R
"I honor you as a kahuna" Joy H
"You have hands of love" Janice S
"I never saw or felt anything like this in my life! Liz H.
"I feel as if I am about to levitate!"Evelyn P.
"This is incredible! You say you can teach me to do this!" Milton C

If you were nearby; I would be happy for you to browse my folders
of such documentation, and attunement experience when I taught two
forms of Reiki Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki, and Tibetan Reiki to more
than 1,250 people.

over a second rate oppinion any day of the week.

The difference is that I understand that there are some extremist Muslim terrorists that are bent on attacking the inocent men women and children around the world no matter whether they are Catholics, Protestants, pagans or muslims, Jews, etc.

Remember the 3000 inocent men women and children that were killed on 9/11? Remember the terrorist attacks on Bali? Remember the terrorist attacks on the U.S.S. Cole? Remember the attach of the Embassys in Africa? Remember the terrorist attachs on Rhiad, Saudi Arabia?

Those terrorists do not respect life of ANYONE. I choose to stand against evil whether the opinion is popular or not.

Two Bears