The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70473   Message #1202501
Posted By: George Papavgeris
08-Jun-04 - 03:39 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Come All Ye Worthy Christian Men
Subject: Origins: Come All Ye Worthy Christian Men
Can anyone help me with the origins of a song/hymn that my wife and I learned from a scratched live recording of New Gravel 30+ years ago? I looked in the DT to no avail. Lyrics go (from memory):

Come all ye worthy christian men
that live upon this land,
don't spend your time in rioting,
remember you're but man.
Be watchful of your latter end
and be ready when you're called.
There are many dangers in this world,
some rise and others fall.

etc etc

I am also trying to trace any recordings by New Gravel, by the way. They were a couple of Londoners - he tall and handsome, she medium height and full of zest.

Any help/hints/pointers welcome.