The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70349   Message #1202507
Posted By: treewind
08-Jun-04 - 03:51 AM
Thread Name: Are you going to Strawberry Fair? (UK-June 8)
Subject: RE: Are you going to Strawberry Fair?
Yeah, I went to the Bampton day of dance which was only the previous Monday, and it's obvious they haven't a clue how to dance Bampton. Watch all those Morris Ring teams and see how it should be done. There's far more of them so they must be right.

And as for the horn dance - well, Abbotts Bromley haven't even got proper horns - they're imported reindeeer antlers and about 1000 years old - isn't it time they got some proper ones? And they don't use the right tune either.

Re scary...
Of course, in Abbotts Bromley it would be far more scary if they didn't do the dance. The crops wouldn't grow, for a start.
It'll be on the 6th this year.
It's always between Sep 6 and Sep 12 (inclusive) and on a Monday. Forget this "first Monday after 1st Sunday after 4th" nonsense - that's just to confuse the innumerate (i.e. most people) so they don't bother to turn up.