The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70337   Message #1202605
Posted By: Two_bears
08-Jun-04 - 07:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Rush Limbaugh is aired to US troops
Subject: RE: BS: Rush Limbaugh is aired to US troops
Let me recast that statement. I said that I hope neither Limbaugh nor the the foul-mouthed adolescents on that military website are representative of the military as a whole.

First off. Please allow me to give you a bit of an education.

1. Rush is NOT a conservative commentator. He is more an entertainer.

If you want to listen to a conservative commentator; go to Nashville's WTN (99.7 FM) radio station and listen to radio commentators like Steve Gill, or G. Gordon Liddy, or any online radio station that airs Sean Hannity.

2. Do not judge the military by what you see on military websites. There are lots of weekend warriors that like to talk a good game as if they were Rangers, Green Berets, or Navy Seals. By weekend warriors I am referring to people in the National Reserves or have retired from the army, and their career did not go anywhere, and in order to appear bigger than life; they lie, or take credit for things other people did.

And Two_bears, you responded: I am very offended by your callous attitude to belittle brave men; when you are not worthy to tie their shoes for them."

I just hate to call anyone names but you, sir, are a typical Republican.

Ebbie: Thank you for replying to my message.

No I am not a typical Republican? I am not a Republican at all. The last few times I voted for someone it was in neither party. I usually vote Libertarian, Constitution, or Natural Law parties.

I was just offended when you insulted brave men that are dying almost every day to protect society from a bunch of terrorists that can not be bargained with, can not be reasoned with, and they want ALL infidels (anyone that has a different opinion about Religion) DEAD!

Two Bears