The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70466   Message #1202671
Posted By: Teribus
08-Jun-04 - 09:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: Reagan Rapture!
Subject: RE: BS: Reagan Rapture!
Ah, but Guest, in 1984 he was re-elected. How and why did that come about? During his two terms in office Reagan's administration did create employment, something like 16 million jobs, he reduced inflation to isignificance, and managed to turn the economy round.

Please do not think that a recession happens overnight, it is a gradual process, caused by a number of contributary factors. If you believe otherwise you are being very naive.

So, according to Kendall, it was Lec Walesa, the Pope, Mr. Gorbachev and American TV that brought about the end of Communism, the collapse of Soviet Russia and the end of the "Cold War"? Kendall you should read and discover where "Solidarity" got the funds to carry out its campaign, oh, yes they came through the Vatican, but that is not where those funds originated, not by a long shot. Reagan was fortunate in the choice of the Kremlin when Gorbachev was elected and suceeded Andropov - Gorbachev did not seize power in Russia or anywhere else - he was however a realist and extremely pragmatic. American TV, no doubt viewed by millions in Soviet Russia achieved what exactly in the downfall of communist Russia, Kendall?

Between the end of the Second World War and the 1980's the fact that the US Navy operated an extremely capable strike carrier fleet damn near brankrupted Soviet Russia five times in their attempts to find a way of countering that means of world force projection. They never did manage to do that. Then along came the Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars), personally I believe that was the biggest hoax ever perpetrated, but Communist Soviet Russia swallowed it and realised that they just could not compete any longer. More steps were taken with regard to nuclear disarmament under the Reagan administration than any other. An on-going process that was only halted with India and Pakistan acquiring nuclear weapons capabilities within months of one another.