The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2762   Message #12027
Posted By: Murray
09-Sep-97 - 03:00 AM
Thread Name: Will Share!?! (school music books)
Subject: RE: Will Share!?!
Let's get back to the topic, guys, and start a new thread for Rugby songs and anecdotes of that ilk [of which I have a few myself]. Becky's offer reminds me that an earlier thread had mentioned indexing songbooks, and this is in a way a start. What we need perhaps is a master list that could be compiled by someone with nothing else to do that could consolidate such lists as Becky's and pinpoint the book [and/or the person] to get hold of. I myself have been compiling for a long time an index of as many Scottish songbooks as I can find, broadening out into poems [with no visible tune] and tunes themselves; and latterly made a start on Irish and other songs. I've begun a French index also, which bids fair to cover a lot of stuff, in particular huge old things like La Cle des Chants of the 1800s. Do you think we could exchange info like this? Would it be in fact useful??