The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70337   Message #1202848
Posted By: GUEST,Larry K
08-Jun-04 - 02:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Rush Limbaugh is aired to US troops
Subject: RE: BS: Rush Limbaugh is aired to US troops
To all of those who criticized Rush Limbaugh above- how many of you have actually listened to him?   I bet very few of you.   (I define listining as more than 10 hours total in a lifetime)

If you have criticized him without having ever heard his show you are full of it.   Reading other peoples remarks is not the same as making up your own opinion.   Many times people criticize out of context remarks when his is doing parody and take as a serious comment.   (like when he proposed taxing the poor)   When you depend one someone elses article or quote you never know what context it was in.

Limbaugh has been the most successfull talk show host in history.   There is no debate in that.   Over 20 million people listen to him every week, not to mention his web site, or newsletter.    There has to be a reason why he has been so successfull and every liber radio show in history has failed miserably.    (If you think it is because there are that many conservatiives and so few liberals in this country you are really in trouble)   My guess is that you think most Americans are stupid.   

I would contend that if they did a survey of the US military that 80% or more would support Rush.   I would also contend that Al Franken or Michael Moore would need a large number of armed guards if they toured a military base.   We conservatives believe in free speech and free markets.   None of us complained about the military getting NPR.   Liberals believe in free speech only as long as it is liberal philosophy.   Rush Limbaugh has to be censored.   Hey- you can't even get fox news in Canada.   I say let the market decide.   Give the soldiers a choice and let them listen to whoever they want.   Here's a hint how that would turn out.   Rush is on 650 stations.   Franken is on less than 6.   By the time you read this, he may not be on any as checks keep bouncing.   The public has spoken.