The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69027 Message #1203036
Posted By: cetmst
08-Jun-04 - 06:46 PM
Thread Name: Songbook Indexing: Silver Burdett School Songbooks
Subject: RE: Silver Burdett School Songbooks PermaThread
Joe, I have been picking up these books and those in the School Songbook Permathread in Used Book Stores all over the country for nearly sixty years. Others have come down to me from my Presbyterian minister grandfather, my school teacher mother and mymusic teacher mother-in-law. They all remain in my library and are accessible to me most of the time though we are now living in two places 600 miles apart. So far haven't been more than thirty days away from them at a time. Until you started these threads I had no idea how many I had nor realized that it was only an infinitesmal fraction of those published. I hope they can be a useful resource but to date I have had no inquiries. - Charles