The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70451   Message #1203117
Posted By: dianavan
08-Jun-04 - 08:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Economic Terrorism??
Subject: RE: BS: Economic Terrorism??
Amos - "They may think that we are actively oppressing them..."

From a personal perspective, if I think someone is oppressing me, they usually are. At least they are in my face to such a degree that I can't see who it is that is creating my oppressive condition.

I think this may be what is happening in the Middle-east. If the U.S. would stop playing power games, maybe Iraqis could figure it out on their own. I'd say the U.S. has been very skillful at confusing the general population. First the U.S. supports this guy, then they support that guy, then they switch countries and supply arms to another. Why doesn't the U.S. just mind their own business and let people sort it out? Why do they always feel the need to be in control? Whats in it for them?

I'm really sick of the U.S. Do you really wonder where kids get the message that its OK to bully? ...that its OK to be an obnoxious, power monger? ...that its OK to lie?

Foolestroope - I agree! The U.S. is an economic terrorist. Look at so-called free trade between Canada and the U.S. - its really a sham! They have been ripping us off for resources for far too long. If they can screw Canada and Australia, they can screw anybody.

Its about time the U.S. was put in its place and stop thinking it is entitled to more than anyone else. Greedy bastards!